Today is the first day of our trip. I set off with excitement and h***iness.
We started from our mother's school and came to Nanchang Changbei Airport with laughter and laughter all the way, ready to fly.
Finally, when I boarded the plane, I looked at the plane from the passage at the entrance of the plane.
The plane was really big! Compared with the plane, those of us are like little ants. T
he plane is a monster! The planes I h***e seen are usually white, but I was a little surprised to see this Universiade plane.
The plane is blue and covered with cartoon patterns.
Some of the patterns are like a rectangular jelly, ***iling at us.
Some are like laughing jelly. Look, she is trembling with laughter!
来到正定不得不品尝当地美食,正定马家鸡、郝家排骨都是当地引以为豪的美食。游览完名胜古迹之后,坐在仿古街道上一家饭馆坐下,看着窗外的古朴建筑,品尝一杯香茶,时光仿佛倒流,有种穿越时空的感觉,相信这种悠闲的时刻让你倍感轻松。正定县隶属河北省石家庄市,古称常山、真定,之间,位于河北省西南部, 华北平原中部的冀中平原,是石家庄市“一河两岸”发展战略的重要承接地,历史上曾与北京、保定并称“北方三雄镇”,是国家历史文化名城,中国民间艺术之乡,也是百岁帝王赵佗、常胜将军赵云故里。文物古迹众多,现存隋唐以来建筑38处,其中,国保9处、省保5处、县保24处,馆藏文物7672件,其中国家一、二级文物264件,国保级文物在全国县级行政区中位居第二,素有“三山不见,九桥不流”“九楼四塔八大寺,二十四座金牌坊”的美誉。正定佛教***深厚,特别是临济寺作为佛教临济宗的祖庭,在佛教界和海内外地位崇高,影响巨大,是佛教文化兴盛时期的“佛教重镇”。到此,以上就是小编对于旅游当天晚上的日记的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于旅游当天晚上的日记的2点解答对大家有用。